About Me

Certified Infant Sleep Coach
Hi, I'm Grace and I'm an OCN accredited infant sleep coach and mum to Phoebe based in Yorkshire. I'm qualified to work with babies, toddlers and young children, but my speciality and passion is transforming the sleep of 4-14 month olds!
I also have knowledge about reflux, allergies and tongue ties from my own experiences with my daughter. We experienced 6 months of brutal days and nights as she struggled to sleep so badly, so I can deeply empathise with parents who are also struggling with their babies sleep. It's exhausting and lonely and you become desperate for someone to come along and make everything better. And that's exactly what happened when we found our incredible sleep coach! She totally changed our lives in a matter of days, I actually said to her before we started that I felt sure we would be her first failure! But everything fell in to place and I learned so much about my daughter and it really strengthened our bond even more. For months after I couldn't stop thinking about how simple the whole process was and I just wanted to tell all the families out there that are suffering that it can be fixed!! That's what set me on this path to learn as much about sleep as possible so that I can work the same magic for other families who are feeling helpless with their babies sleep.
My Philosophy
Good. Sleep. Matters. It REALLY does! Not just your babies sleep but your sleep too. Sleep is a necessity not a luxury and you should never be made to feel guilty for wanting to make a positive change for you and your baby. Babies are hard and working out their sleep can be even harder. Sometimes parents need some extra support and I'm here to remind you that is okay! I want parents to feel empowered to make decisions about sleep without any fear of judgement. There is no evidence that sleep training is harmful in any way to babies, but there is plenty of evidence showing how detrimental a lack of sleep can be!
My Method
I don't use 'gentle' sleep methods with my families. I don't believe in complicated approaches with multiple different steps for you to follow over many weeks (that still cause the tears that those methods are trying to avoid!). I also don't believe in 'cry it out' or leaving your baby to cry for long periods of time. Instead, I offer a very simple, quick and responsive method to teach babies (4-14 months old) how to sleep independently.
We then work together using your knowledge of your baby and my knowledge of sleep to put in place a tailored routine to get your baby napping at the right time for them and maximising their sleep at night.
Book Your Free Discovery Call
Deciding you need to reach out for help with your babies sleep is a big step! The next one is choosing the right sleep coach. I like to work closely with my families and learn your baby so you need to make sure I'm the right person for you!
Use this call to tell me about your babies sleep issues and ask me any questions about my services. There is never any obligation afterwards to work with me.